Coming Up Rosy

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Rosy | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 16” x 20” 5/8” depth

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Rosy | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 16” x 20” 5/8” depth

First signs of Spring spotted by my kids near a stream in Traverse City

First signs of Spring spotted by my kids near a stream in Traverse City

Spring is in the air where I live in northern Michigan. The temperatures are warmer, the snow is melting, birds are happily singing and everyone seems to have a “spring” in their step and a smile on their face on the recent warm, sunny days.

This past weekend I finished my first flower painting in my floral series “Blooming” with IndieGrow Flower Farm. After doing so, I took a walk with my kids in our neighborhood. As we approached a tiny stream they excitedly pointed out a small patch of flowers that had popped up and started to bloom. I understood why they were so excited – after a long winter it was the first sign of new life that we had seen. Spring was starting to show her lovely face, even if it was just a glimpse, it felt really good.

Flowers have a way of reminding me of the sweetness of life. I hope you enjoy my new painting titled Rosy and that you find yourself looking for the “Rosy” in your day.

“The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.” – S. Brown

Alissa Thompson from IndieGrow Flowers and the beautiful bouquet that she created which is the inspiration for my first floral painting in the series “Blooming”

Alissa Thompson from IndieGrow Flowers and the beautiful bouquet that she created which is the inspiration for my first floral painting in the series “Blooming”


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